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KELAS                                            : XII

TEMA                                              : OFFERING HELP


3.1.1. Mengidentikasi struktur teks, fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan teks inter personal lisan dan tulis terkait Tindakan menawarkan jasa serta cara menanggapinya.

3.1.2. Melengkapi tindakan menawarkan jasa serta cara meresponnya



Look at the Pictures below!

Do you ever help someone?

 What do you think about the picture?

What will you do if you see an old woman wants to cross the street?

What will you do if you see a boy brings many books?

What will you do if you see a man take his heavy suitcase?

What will you do if you see someone needs a help?

Have you ever helped your friend to do something?

How was their responses?

What will you say if you want to help someone?




What is offering help?

Asking for help/services offering help is a way and an expression to suggest or to offer help to someone who needs it. The purposes is to offers assistance. There are two kinds of offering: Formal offers and informal offers.

Formal offers are used when you talk to someone who are older to whose position is higher than you. Informal offers are used when you talk to someone close to you.



Fungsi sosial dari offering helps and services adalah untuk membantu hubungan interpersonal antara individu satu dengan yang lain. Dengan menawarkan bantuan kepada keluarga atau teman, menunjukkan bahwa kita peduli terhadap orang-orang di sekitar kita



Struktur teks dapat meliputi :

·       Menawarkan bantuan

·       Menerima bantuan

·       Menolak bantuan





May I...... ?

May I help you? May I doi t for you?

May I call a taxi for you?

Thanks a lot

That will be very helpful, thanks No., thanks. I am fine

What...... can I.   ?

What can I do it for you? What can I do to help you?


What can I write to complete the assignment?

Can you show me the direction to the post office, please?


Please, call this number............



Nothing. I can finis hit myself, thanks for offering

Would you........... ?

Would you like me to take red shoes?


Would you..... ?


Would you like a bowl of soup?

Yes, I’d love to see them.


No., thank you. I just want this Yes, please. That will be good.

LANGUAGE FEATURE/ Unsur Kebahasaan :

-         Ungkapan yang sesuai untuk menawarkan jasa, seperti May I help you?, What can I do for you? What if ...?

-         Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.

-         Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan


 Study the following expressions used to offer help.

Expressions of Offering Help

In Formal Setting

In Informal Setting

- Would you like some help?

- Would you like me to do it for you? - Would you mind if I carry your bag? - Could I offer you a help?

- Would you like a cup of tea? - I wonder if I could help you? - Shall I help you?

- What can I do for you?

- May I help you?

- Can I help you with your task? - Do you want me to help you? - Let me help you.

- I will help you.

- Do you want me to have a look at your task?

- I’d be glad to help.

- Is there anything I can help?






- Yes please, I’d love to.

- If you wouldn’t mind.

- Thank you. That would be great. - Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

- Yes, please.

- I’d like it very much.

- That sounds nice.

- That’s very kind of you.

- No, thank you.

- That’s very kind of you, but ….

- Thank you for offering, but ….

- It’s okay. I can do it myself.

- Don’t worry, I’ll do it.

- No, thank you. I’m fine.

- No, thanks. I am good.

- No, it’s alright.

- No, thanks.

- No, I can manage it by myself.


  IKBAR : Hi Argo, have you finished your Biology 


  ARGO : No. I haven't. We still have one more week to  

                 finish it, don't we? What about yours?

  IKBAR : Are you joking? The due date will be 

                  tomorrow. I have finished mine and I’ve just

                  submitted it to Ibu Naning.

    Do you need any help with your

     assignment, Argo?

 ARGO: Of course. Well, I plan to talk about Tempe. 

               I will explain the fermentation process and

               how it becomes part of Biotechnology.


 IKBAR : That's a good idea. What can I do for you?

 ARGO : I think you can help me with the report. I am a bit confused with the report

               format. Can you please explain it to me?

IKBAR : Sure. Is there anything else I can help?

ARGO : Hmm, I don’t think so. I think I can do it myself.

IKBAR : Okay, then. I’ll take my laptop and show you the report format.

ARGO : Okay.


3.1.1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks, fungsi sosial. Unsur kebahasaan teks inter personal lisan dan tulis terkait tindakan menawarkan jasa serta cara menanggapinya

Practice 1

Please read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the bold typed expressions. Then, identify the expressions of offering help from the dialogue


  IKBAR          : Hi Argo, have you finished your Biology assignment?

  ARGO           : No. I haven't. We still have one more week to finish it, don't we?

                           What about yours?

  IKBAR          : Are you joking? The due date will be tomorrow. I have finished

                           mine and I’ve just submitted it to Ibu Naning.

              Do you need any help with your assignment, Argo?

 ARGO            : Of course. Well, I plan to talk about Tempe. 

                           I will explain the fermentation process and how it becomes part

                           of Biotechnology.

 IKBAR           : That's a good idea. What can I do for you?

 ARGO            : I think you can help me with the report. I am a bit confused

                            with the report format. Can you please explain it to me?

 IKBAR           : Sure. Is there anything else I can help?

 ARGO            : Hmm, I don’t think so. I think I can do it myself.

 IKBAR           : Okay, then. I’ll take my laptop and show you the report format.

 ARGO            : Okay.


Practice 2

Identify the expressions of offering help that you can find in the dialogue and the responses by completing the table below. Check (√) the correct answer.



Types of Expression & Response






Do you need any help with  your assignment, Argo?





Of course.





What can I do for you?





I think you can help me  with the report.





Is there anything else that I  can help?





I don’t think so. I think I  can do it myself.




Practice 3

Read the dialogue in Practice 1 once more. Then, answer the questions about it.

1. Where do you think the dialogue takes place?

2. What is the dialogue about?

3. What problem does Argo have?

4. How can Ikbar help Argo?

5. Why do you think Ikbar help Argo?


3.1.2. Melengkapi tindakan menawarkan jasa serta cara menanggapinya

Complete the following dialogue with the words from the box!

1.    John : Excuse me........................................ lift this box?

Dick : sure

2.    Ron      : The box................................. let me help you.

Hermione : Thanks.

3.    Harry : You look tired. Do you mind...................................... some glass of

water for you?

Ron : No., thanks. I’ll take it by myself.

4.    Jame : May I help you?

Jane : No.,................ I’m just looking/browsing.

5.    Ani : You look as if you could do with............

Ana : Thanks. I think I’ve got it.


a.      If I take

b.     Looks heavy

c.      Thank you

d.     Can you help me

e.      Some help

f.       No, thanks



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