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 I.              OFFERING

·      Can I help you?

Thank you.

·      Do you want me to help you?

No, thank you.

·      Would you like me to help you?

It’s okay, Thanks.

·      May I help you to bring these books?

Yes, thank you.

II.           Conversation

·      Example One:

Dela  : Assalamualaikum Dila. You look so tired. What do you bring?

Dila   : Waalaikumsalam Dela. I bring all these books. They’re so heavy.

Dela  : Oh, I see. Can I help you to bring these books?

Dila   : Yes, thank you. You can put them on my desk.

Dela  : Ok.

III.        Exercise One

Make two conversations about Offering. At least four lines.

IV.         Exercise two

Find the antonym of the words below.

1.        these          : ………

2.        heavy         : ………

3.        tired           : ………

4.        easy            : ………

5.        sick             : ………

6.        tall              : ………

7.        Weak          : ………

8.        Fast                        : ………

9.        dark            : ………

10.    large           : ………

V.            Exercise three’

Write five expressions about offering.

1.        ………

2.        ………

3.        ………

4.        ………

5.        ………

VI.         Exercise four

Find your partner and practice the conversation on part II.

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